Advantages of Online Tutoring: Online tutoring is one of the most helpful technological innovations available for today's households.
Misconceptions of Online Tutoring:
“Online tutoring is impersonal.” This could not be further from the truth. With the help of the right tools such as webconferencing applications, online tutoring can be as personal as face-to-face tutoring. The student and tutor can speak to one another and, through work, form a relationship build on trust and understanding. The trust that builds human bonds is not necessarily built by being face-to-face, but through communication and building a track record of reliability.
“Online tutoring requires high levels of technical saavy.” Only basic computer usage skills are required through online tutoring. The basic tools for online tutoring are easy to use.
“Online tutoring is not good for helping students with projects.” Multimedia tools allow tutors to work with students on just about anything. Projects can be assisted with the help of video recordings, journals, and other forms of multimedia that allow the tutor to track the progress of a student.